Will woke up this morning at 6:30 am, which is way too early for anyone in this house. Just a bit of foreshadowing.
We drop Jack off at school and then Will and I head to the gym. Halfway through the Power class, one of the nursery ladies comes to get me to tell me that Will has poop. I don't know why they aren't allowed to change diapers, or maybe they don't want to and really, who could blame them. But that was the end of the workout for me. And we were just getting to the arm work, which I need. =(
Since we had awhile before it was time to get Jack, I decided to run to Michael's to pick up some supplies for Jack's Sunday School teachers' thank you gifts. I'm going to try to pretend that I'm Bakerella and make Oreo bon-bons covered with the white chocolate and drizzled with pink and green. I needed the pink and green candy melts and some of the Chinese take out boxes in spring colors.
When we get to Michael's, I put Will in the basket part of the shopping cart and he throws a fit. He stands up (refuses to sit down even after I tried to 'help' him), closes his eyes, and screams at the top of his lungs while his entire body is shaking. I am not exaggerating one bit. I wheel over to the candy section and the kid is still screaming. Everyone in the store is turning to see what horrific injury this child must have endured to make him scream BLOODY MURDER. I overheard one mother reassuring her child, "It's okay, sweetie. The little boy is okay." Really? Well, what about his mother? Umm, not so much...but thanks for asking.
I head to the check-out lanes, and wouldn't ya know, there is a line. So we stand there with Will continuing to scream with his eyes closed, face red, and body shaking. All the other customers are turning to take in the spectacle. And I would have given anything at that moment for a margarita, even the screaming kid. One of the Michael's employees took pity on me and ran over (yes, ran) to open up a second lane so that he could get us the heck outta his store! I didn't blame him one bit.
Will continued to scream all the way to the car, all the way home, all the way up to his room, and all during his timeout in his crib. He screamed for a solid 30 minutes. I was just waiting for him to pass out from oxygen deprivation, but apparently, this child has screaming skillz. Lord, help me!
Later, I was changing his diaper before naptime and Will says, "I a sleepy boy!" No kidding, dude! And then he played his favorite game of 'I give good hugs and kisses', which is him giving me bear hugs and smooches on the lips. They know exactly what they are doing!! They know it! They know when they have pushed their luck too far, when they have pushed you to the edge. And that is when they turn on the charm, and do something that is so adorable that it melts your heart.
So I have forgiven him, but I won't forget this meltdown. Not for a long time!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 433
6 days ago