Thursday, February 12, 2009

An Award for My Resume

We have been super busy this week. Jack had kindergarten testing on Saturday at SJ and on Tuesday at CTK. I hope all went well, although I wouldn't know, because if you ask him what he did during the "games" as we call the testing, Jack's answer is "I don't remember." HUH? You just walked out of there and you don't remember?!?!? And here we thought you were so smart. Hmmmmm. What I wish Jack would say is what he is really thinking, "I don't want to talk about it. Please leave me alone." That I understand.

Each year, our neighborhood does a Children's Secret Valentine party. The idea is you give your secret valentine two small presents during the couple of days preceding the party and then at the party, you bring a present to reveal yourself to your secret valentine. It is always alot of fun. And this year, Will was old enough to get it, or at least understand that something special was going on. He loved getting the candy! As we were heading to the neighborhood clubhouse this afternoon, Will was chanting, "Party! Party! Party!" Oh, he is going to make a wonderful frat boy!

Here are a couple of pics of the boys at the Valentine Pizza Party. Please note that both of them have a plate of pizza with a special iced, sprinkled cookie for dessert. What do they both go for first......

I just had to laugh! And of course, being a candidate for Mother of the Year 2009, I just let them fill up on dessert first. It is a party after all.

Jack finishes up his dinner and decides to go outside to play with his friends. Will and I stay inside and while I am visiting with friends, Will is going to town on a cup of Sprite (I am certain this qualifies me as a finalist for Mother of the Year). Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn and Ann says, "Jack is okay. But he fell into the creek." (Before you get too concerned, the creek is in front of the clubhouse and is not very deep, especially after this 2 year drought we have been in, but as Jack will attest too, the water is cold.) Now if you know Jack, this is not that surprising; the boy loves water and if there is a puddle to be found, he can get totally soaked in it. I leave Will with a friend and go out to rescue Jack. And the poor thing was drenched! Totally soaked! It was bad! And of course he knew better.

I made him go back into the clubhouse to give his gift to his secret valentine before we came home for a nice hot bath (would some one please dust off my Mother of the Year crown & scepter!) .

And right before Jack got into the car, I knew you would want to see my little wet I made him stop, in all of his misery, for a picture. Because I am only thinking of generous that I am. And this just might make a good story (or pic in a slide show) at some one's wedding rehearsal.

And that, my friends, totally secures my Mother of the Year 2009 title! I'm just going to go practice my pageant wave now...


LL said...

Man, if he could have gotten away with giving you the stink eye....

Amy said...

I am sure if looks could kill...

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