Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

I don't know what we did this weekend...I am sitting here trying to recall anything of importance and not much is coming to mind. It has been wet and cold all weekend so we've sorta holed up at home.

We watched football all day on Saturday and I discovered a new pet peeve. Just a little public service announcement.... For any college football teams that are looking into the "black out" uniform idea. Please reconsider. Georgia tried it this season against Alabama and got shalacked. Florida State thought it might work against Boston College...umm, not so much. You just end up looking silly. If you are looking to intimidate your opponent, try working a little harder on the gameplan, or in the weight room.

Besides, don't these ding-dongs know black is slimming? I mean, you work all year in the weight room to get all big and bad, then you put on black and look like a skinny little girlie-man out there. Not so intimidating anymore are you Mr. Seminole, with your skinny little self. Skip the black. In fact, if you're wearing all black, then I'm going to cheer against you just on principle. If you need something to get your fans psyched for a big game, then get new fans.

Although, on second thought, let the FANS were all black. It is slimming and does much for your fan base's image. For example, Mr. & Mrs. Tennessee would do well to wear all black in place of those pumpkin suits they are always wearing. Am I right?!?!?

Note: This DOES NOT apply to the New Orleans Saints, whose all Black uniforms look great! Wouldn't you agree, Honey =)!

We had our second and third open houses today. I went to HR and then met up with Brent at SJ. SJ did not disappoint; we both felt it to be a warm, caring environment with a strong Catholic and academic education. So SJ is still #1 in our Catholic school poll. I was so excited to visit HR. It is only 10 years old and I had heard that the facilities were top notch. But to be honest, after a few minutes of being there, I just had the gut feeling that this wasn't the right place for us. It is so hard to describe and I am so disappointed because I really wanted to like this school. Yes, the facilities are very nice and the faculty and staff seem very nice as well. However, during his welcome address, the principal kept telling us what a great school HR is, "the best", "none better", over and over so that I began to feel like the school had an inferiority complex. It would have been more effective if he had said HR is the best because a, b, c, & x, y, z; but there weren't many concrete examples given. Last weekend, CTK had specific examples of programs the school had that set them apart from other schools. So I am sitting in the audience today thinking "Do I really want my child to go to a school with an inferiority complex?" The second thing that struck me was that of all the students at HR today, I only saw 1 boy. The choir that sang during the program, all girls. The 3 HR alums that spoke, all girls. The junior honor society members that were our guides, all girls and 1 boy. The principal kept apologizing and reassuring us that HR does have boys, but as the mother of 2 boys I am thinking "So where does my child fit in? Are there opportunities for him here?" I really wanted to be so excited about HR...two of our neighbors were at the open house and we were joking that we had our carpool already and HR is close and convenient, but there is just something that I can't quite put my finger on. On Thursday night, I'll go to the Open House for OLA and then that will be it for the schools that we are interested in. And then the praying begins....big time! So please pray that the Lord will make it clear to us which Catholic school is the best fit for our family. And maybe an extra prayer that we get in, too!


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