Friday, November 4, 2011

Times are tough, y'all

Doesn't it make you want some apple butter?!?!  I'm definitely stopping to buy some.  I need to meet the sista who so strongly believes in truth in advertising!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

He was even cracking himself up

Will is such an interesting kid.  On the one hand, he is a little curmudgeon.  He can be so grumpy and complain so much that I often feel like I am raising an old man.  His teacher last year called him "an old soul."  On the other hand, Will is a clown.  He loves to be silly and make people laugh.  Combine the two sides, and Will is a hoot.  An adorable, funny, grumpy little guy!  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Will's preschool class had their Halloween party on Monday and in their party favor bucket were these crazy glasses.  He was so excited when he jumped in the car to show me how funny he looked.  So we pulled over into the parking lot to have a little photo shoot.  He would do a silly pose, run over to look at himself on the camera, laugh hysterically, and then run back to make another funny pose.

Here is our little ham in action:

He also made this cute BOO hat which I loved.

But Will didn't think it was nearly as fun until he added his silly eyes.

"4 and three quarters" is such a great age!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We did the mash...We did the monster mash

It was another fun Halloween in our little neck of the woods.  Jack and Will are really into Pokemon right now, so naturally they wanted to be Ash, the Pokemon trainer, and Pikachu, a Pokemon.  Will can tell you all the characteristics about Pikachu...he is the electric type, and is an evolved form, annnnnd that is where my understanding of all things Pokemon ends.  But I do think they are adorable!

As always, the evening started out at the neighborhood clubhouse for the annual Halloween party.  After all of these years, the party is down to an art.  The kids eat pizza, run around acting crazy and out of control, and then they are released to descend upon the neighbors to pilfer candy.  And God bless those neighbors, their yards, and their shrubbery.  Nothing is safe!

Here are Jack and Nina.  They are in second grade together and Elaine and I drive carpool together.  I joke with Elaine that I wouldn't be surprised if Jack and Nina get married one day, because they already argue and pick at each other like a little old couple!  Won't this be a cute pic in their rehearsal dinner slide show?!?! 

(As a side note, doesn't Jack's smile look wonderful!  The expander is working beautifully.  His palate is expanding, there is already so much more room for his teeth, and his little cheeks are much fuller.  I think he looks great and we aren't even finished expanding yet.)

The carpool group.  Will will be officially in the carpool next year when he enters Kindergarten.  He can. not. wait. to get to the big boy school!

We have lots and lots of boys in our neighborhood and they all went trick or treating together in a pack.   We counted 9 boys and 3 parents.  One parent in the front, one in the middle, and one in the back making sure we left no man behind.  Will made it through about half of the subdivision and then he said his feet were tired, he had enough candy and he was done.  Shocking coming from the kid who could live on sugar alone.  Jack wasn't quitting until his Halloween bucket was full, so he and the older boys didn't come home until after dark.

One of our neighbors had a fun Halloween decoration.  From the street, it looked like just a regular witch decoration, but if you got near, the witch's eyes would glow as she cackled a wicked laugh.  She was a hit with the 4-6 year olds.  Will loved her and was entertained for a good 15 minutes. 

 These two cuties were so much fun to watch.  They knew what was coming, but each time the witch would cackle they would scream and squeal and then break out into a fit of laughter.  Each and every time!

Neither Hermione or the Princess wanted to awaken the witch, so Pikachu was more than happy to stir her up.  You couldn't help but laugh while watching them.  Isn't Halloween just fun?!?!

So after all of the trick or treating was wrapped up, our good friends Paul and Nina invited alot of the neighbors to their home for a Halloween party.  All the kids played in the basement while the adults enjoyed some Halloween treats of their own.  Nina made a fabulous eggplant lasagna, chili, sausage with onions & peppers, salad, black & white cookies, red velvet cake and wine & beer.  We were having so much fun that we stayed way past everyone's bedtime.

Happy Halloween!