Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of First Grade

It was a good start to another school year. I could tell Jack was very excited about starting back because he was still creeping downstairs last night at 10:00pm! If you look closely, you can see the bags under his eyes this morning.

The first day of school is called Meet and Greet. The students spend 2 hours in their new classroom with the teachers, while the moms are in the gym signing up for all of the volunteer activities. It is nice to have a day to ease back into the routine. We made it to school this year with plenty of time to spare. Jack, and the other rising 1st graders, got to move from the Kindergarten playground to the big playground for morning recess...yay for new privileges! Jack immediately met up with 2 of his buddies from last year, and they all high-fived when they realized they were all together in Mrs. R's class this year. In fact, all but 4 of the KB boys are together in 1A. There was plenty of time for playing before the bell was rung, and Jack ran to the designated 1A gathering spot for the Pledge of Allegience and the Mission Statement. It did my heart proud to see him so confident in knowing exactly where he was supposed to go and what he was supposed to do during the morning assembly. And off he went to his new class without looking back!

When I picked Jack up after class, I wanted to introduce myself to Mrs. R. She immediately said, "You're Jack's mom. He looks just like you!" I told her how excited Jack was to be in her class, to which she replied, "Well, Jack was the only one who laughed at all of my jokes, so it's going to be a great year!" I love a teacher with a good sense of humor!

Jack and I enjoyed lunch at California Pizza Kitchen where he continued to hold true to form and wasn't forthcoming with many details despite my attempts at 101 questions. I will need to befriend a mom of one of the little girls in his class if I hope to learn anything this year!