Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am so bummed I didn't get a better picture, but I was trying to take it from a distance and not intrude on the moment. It was right before naptime and Will wanted to read Happy Baby Words, which used to be his favorite book awhile ago and is still a good read. So Jack offered to read to him. How sweet is this?!?!

Kinda killing two birds with one stone...Jack gets practice in reading and Will enjoys having his brother read to him. A special time for both (and me, too!).

If only the pic was better....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Memorial Day weekend at the Lake with my family and had a wonderful time, despite the sometimes uncooperative weather.

Saturday looked alot like this:
At times, we could look out across the lake and actually see the line of rain coming in. We would yell to the children, "Here comes the rain! 5-4-3-2-1!" And they would come running up the walkway. So during the rain, we turned to Plan B, which included this:

Bubble Time with Granddaddy

Grass Fishing with Uncle Matt
It was during this activity that Aunt Karen declared she was going to need an adult beverage if she had to spend the afternoon watching grass fishing! The rest of us joined her so that she wouldn't have to drink alone (because we are just thoughtful & supportive like that).

We woke up Sunday morning to more rain; Brent and I contemplated packing up and heading home. But we were so glad we stayed because Sunday afternoon it cleared up and we had perfect, beautiful weather. We took full advantage with a little of this:
Playing on Hawaii Beach Town
This has been the best $60 we have ever spent! The netted area makes a little baby pool that is so much fun to splash in. A great way to turn the huge lake (or "scary water" as Will called it) into a more enjoyable kid-friendly pool.

And alot of this:
I'm King of the World!

This year we are adding a playset to the lake, which promises to be alot of fun! Jack and Will couldn't even wait for it to be finished before having to test it out. I'm happy to report that the slide is fast and the glider is fun, especially when you go high in the sky!

Of course, there was plenty of good food! Here is proof positive...sauce from the baby back ribs still on his face as Jack begins to eat his weight in s'mores. You would think that the child's mother would take 2 seconds to wipe his face; but sadly, you would be wrong!

Will hasn't quite mastered the art of roasting marshmallows. He just likes to see fire, so he'll put the marshmallows into the flame until they become an ooey, gooey, sticky mess and then wave his roaster around to see how many relatives he can strike. Absolutely, no interest in eating the s'more...just wants to roast. Can you say PYROMANIAC?!?!?

And a day of hard playing leads to a night of deep sleeping.
A most beautiful sight to a very tired Mommy!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

End of the School Year Activities

We have been busy wrapping up the school year. Tuesday was the last day, so as of today we are on Day 2 of Summer Vacation. And both boys have had some kind of virus...fever and a little bit of nausea. Perhaps we are just getting it out of our system now?!?! But today they were both back to picking at each other and arguing, so I believe everyone is feeling better!

Last week, Will had his end of the year party...a Popsicle Party! It was very simple, just popsicles and bubbles, but the perfect way to end a great first year of school!

On Tuesday, Jack graduated from preschool and officially became a kindergartner. And I really should have expected it, but I was surprised at how it all hit me this last week. I spent the week repeatedly saying things like, "Jack, this is your last day of Extended Day. Jack, this is your last Friday at preschool. Jack, this is your last day of carpool! It seems like just yesterday I dropped you off in the Toddler class where Will is now!" And Jack spent the week repeatedly saying (rather exasperatedly I might add), "I know, M-o-m!" I am going to be a wreck the first day of kindergarten.

Will was running a fever on Tuesday, so he attended Jack's programs with us instead of going to his last day of class. First, it was the Young 5s/4s Spring Program. The theme was Folk Songs From Around the World. It was so cute to see Jack process into the sanctuary with his class. He was so excited to see us, but trying so hard to process in seriously, that he gave us the cutest, shy smile. Unfortunately, at each of the programs I wasn't in a close enough seat to get good pictures, but I was able to get a few to remember the moment. Here is Jack with his class during the Spring Program.
After the Spring Program, we went back to his classroom for the Young 5s graduation ceremony. Alot of tears were shed. It was beyond sweet and the children were so proud of themselves. And the parents were mighty proud, too!
The graduates process in

Mrs. C started the ceremony by awarding diplomas and sharing what each child would like to be when they grow up. For Jack, becoming a scientist is the occupation du jour. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Next, the children shared with us a glimpse into their day. They sang their Good Morning song, songs they sing when determining the weather, and were reciting a poem about (I think) animals. I don't really remember because I got distracted. Will was sitting with Mom and me during the graduation ceremony and Brent was standing at the side of the classroom. Will got away from us and was head over toward Brent. However, once he got free, Will made a b-line to the front of the classroom to give Jack a big hug...right in the middle of the children's poetry recitation! Then Will decided he would join Jack and his classmates and sat right down. Jack, being the good big brother that he is, scooted over a bit to share his seat. It was precious! Well, precious to everyone but the teacher! Oops! Brent quickly retrieved Will and the program continued (and Mrs. C didn't seem to harbor any hard feelings).

After the ceremony, the class had a graduation party. Once again, Jack was so sweet to Will and shared his goodies!
Even the Monkeys got to attend graduation with us!

It has been a great school year for both of the boys. And although we were sad to say goodbye to our friends and teachers, we are ready for a fun-filled summer! This weekend, we are kicking summer off at the lake! WOO HOO!!

Stay tuned...more pictures to come!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend Part 2

If you missed the first part of our Mother's Day weekend, you can catch up here. Saturday afternoon was the big crawfish boil and birthday party...the moment Jack had looked forward to all week!

Our animal lover chose for his birthday party theme (surprise!) Dinosaurs! For the entertainment, we decided to have water activities...and it was a brilliant call considering that it was 90 degrees in the shade!

Jack enjoying the slip n slide

Some of the crew cooling off

Baby S enjoying the splash pool. Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?!?

We also had a water balloon fight that lasted approximately 3 minutes! Can you ever have enough water balloons? The dinosaur pinata lasted a bit longer and was a hit (haha).

The birthday boy taking the first whack.

While the kids were getting soaked (and dirty), Happy and his crew got the crawfish boil going. These were the biggest crawfish I have ever seen; Hank did his usual fantastic job and they were delicious!

Will decide that it was his job, and his job alone, to clean the mudbugs. He wouldn't share the hose, but those were some pretty clean crawfish!

Now that's a crawfish!

Let the feast begin!

A rite of passage...when you can peel your own crawfish!

Look at this cute little mudbug!

Roar, Dinosaurs!

Just look at that smile...that is one happy birthday boy!

May all of your dreams come true, Boo Bear!

Jack has declared that this was the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!

And Will has been asking "When is my birthday party? When is Happy Birthday to me?"

So Aunt Blythe? We'll be back in a few months for a repeat...if you've recovered by then ;-)!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

JPEG(s) of the Week

Jack's Birthday Cake was good! For some, two hands just weren't enough!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tour of Gardens Part 2

A couple of month's ago, we went on a tour of Brent's early spring flowers. A couple of weeks ago, I took a few pictures of our late spring flowers, which amounts to the irises and rhododendron.

The bearded irises are our heritage irises. My grandmother gave these to us from her flower bed and they originally came from her mother's garden. So these are four generation flowers. I love the fact that these irises have a history, and if we were to ever move, I would dig them up and take them with us.

I am not sure where we got these irises. Last fall, Brent rearranged some of the flower beds, and these irises were moved to a new spot. Apparently, they like their new home because they bloomed in full force this spring. I love how the purple is contrasted against the red of the Japanese maple and the yellow/green of the gardenias.

Several years ago, I tagged along with Brent to a CLE course. The little town where we stayed had a large rhododendron garden open for walking tours. This was the first time I remember really noticing how pretty rhododendrons are. I love the large clusters of blooms, reminds me of azaleas and hydrangeas which are both favorites of mine. At the time, we said that we wanted to have a rhododendron but just got around to planting one last fall. Although it is still little, it did not disappoint with all of it blooms! I look forward to watching this plant mature.

I can't wait for the roses, crepe myrtles and Tonto crepe myrtles to come in. If the spring flowers were any indication, everything should be beautiful this summer with all of the rain we've had. Since we've been in a drought for the last 2 years, I had forgotten how 'green' green could be. This year, it is as if all the colors are intensified. I'll be sure to share pictures once the summer blooms come in.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend Part 1

We spent Mother's Day weekend in Louisiana with Brent's family. Jack LOVES getting together with "all the cousins". And it is quite a crew...10 in all. The drive was pleasantly easy. I believe I have illustrated before what bad travelers Will and I are. But surprisingly, we both did really well; perhaps it is having Daddy travel with us that makes all the difference?!?!

Friday night, Blythe, Brent's youngest sister, made Jambalaya for the families...5 families and 19 people total. It was sooo good! Can you imagine preparing dinner for that many people single-handedly with a clingy baby on your hip? I can't either and she pulled it off flawlessly! So if you get a craving for some incredible Jambalaya, I'll give you her address. =) I'm sure she won't mind one bit that I am extending an invitation to all the Internet.

The cousins played hard until well past every one's bedtime. I had myself two dirty, dirty and HAPPY boys who were exhausted! A major milestone was met for Will...for the first time, he slept outside of his crib. He slept with Jack on an air mattress and loved it; I think he felt so big!

We started Saturday morning off with Starbucks and beignets....YUM! Blythe and I took our boys to the neighborhood playground while Brent went to the Master Gardeners' Plant Sale. Brent bought two Creeping Daisies that we are going to plant under the Angel Trumpet in the backyard and hopefully, they will spread and cover that area. Here are a few pics that Blythe got of the boys at the playground.
Will and D aka Double Trouble

Will loves to swing

D's first attempt at the big slide by himself.
The ride down was a little rough, but he was all smiles at the end!

It was hot...90 degrees in the shade!

Have I mentioned that we are a family of fishermen? After the playground and lunch, out came the fishing poles! Blythe and Neal's house is on a great lot. They are at the end of a small lake where wildlife abounds; it is so relaxing to just sit in a rocker on their back patio and watch. Jack was able to hook his first catfish...and most importantly, reel him to the bank. Here is proof of his efforts:
Jack reeling in the big one!

It's half his size!

Brent and Jack exchanging high fives.
Isn't the view pretty?!

I just love pictures like this.

Stay tuned for the crawfish boil and Jack's birthday party with the cousins. I must have taken a hundred pictures, but I'll edit them down for ya!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am so sad...

Last month, I asked you to pray for our neighbors.

Today, I learned that the wife's cancer has returned and is much worse. She apparently found out 4 days after their house burned down. The cancer, originally in her colon, is no longer there but has metastasized to her lungs, spleen and lymph nodes.

She has 2 young children, ages 4 and 2.

I can't even wrap my brain around this. It is just so unfair.

Please storm Heaven with your prayers.

Thanks...and love to you.

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

We have been busy with the end of the school year activities and Mother's Day, leaving me little time to blog. Fortunately, that has given me alot of stories to tell and pictures to share. Hopefully, this week I'll have time to catch up.

Last week was the Mother's Teas at the preschool...Will's on Tuesday and Jack's on Thursday. The Tea for the toddler class is always so cute. The poor teachers work themselves to death to make it special and the children have no idea what is going on. They are just happy to have Mommy come to their class. This is Will's teacher's first year to teach at his school, and her luncheon food was by far the best I have had in all my years of attending the Mother's Teas. Usually, the teachers just make snack type food, but Mrs. April made a wonderful spinach salad with craisins, almonds and feta cheese tossed with a delicious balsamic vinaigrette dressing, chicken salad croissant sandwiches, sweet tea and madelines and brownies for dessert. It was delicious! Will gave me his hand print mounted on canvas as my gift. Is there anything sweeter than chubby baby/toddler fingers? Years from now when he has the hands of a man, I'll look back on that chubby little hand print and wonder where in the world those years went. I know because I already get glimpses of time passing too quickly with Jack.

This is the one picture I got of Will because he got mad that I wouldn't let him drink my full glass of sweet tea by himself and went into complete grumpy two year old mode. So he entertained himself the rest of the tea by taking pictures with my camera. Very interesting to see pictures from a two year old perspective.

Jack's tea was so special. Once again, his teachers are saints....they had the children make all of the decorations for the party (tablecloths, centerpieces, corsages) and prepare all of the food. Jack was in charge of washing the strawberries for the fruit tray and adding the broccoli to the Pampered Chef Veggie Pizza. Other children helped bake a huge plate of cookies.
The Shoe centerpiece

Along the front wall, "Mom and Me" and "You're Special" pictures were hanging that were so precious.

The mommies were seated at the table of their child's shoe centerpiece when the children came in to sing us a song. Then we all ate our lunch together. Oh, they were so proud. Proud that they were able to do all the planning and preparation for us by themselves. Jack said they had been working very hard all week to get everything ready and he was just exhausted!

Oh, I was so proud! And will remember that Mother's Tea for the rest of my days!