We have had a fun Easter weekend. This is the first Easter since we have had children that we haven't been with extended family. This week is Spring Break for us and we are headed to the beach, so I decided to give myself a break and not travel for Easter. And although we missed dyeing eggs with
Gramma & Granddaddy and hunting eggs with our cousins, we did enjoy a weekend of fun with just the four of us.
Saturday morning started off at our neighborhood's Easter Egg Hunt. On our way to the hunt, Jack told us that he was going to get all of the eggs. I tried to explain that might not be the best plan because it would make the other children cry. And then I would make him share the eggs anyway. So he decided he would just settle for 2 dozen eggs! Will has loved the Easter Egg Hunts this year (this was his second hunt, his class had a hunt on Wednesday). After the hunts, we have to come home, open up all of the eggs, lay out all of the candy on the floor, count every single piece of candy, and then cheer for all of the "candies"!
Yay for the sugar!

I didn't get many good pictures of the boys hunting eggs this year because they were so fast. Gone are the toddler years when the hunting was slow and the picture-taking was easy.

The boys were thrilled to wake up this morning and discover that the Easter Bunny did stop by and leave a few surprises. The big hit was new watches. Jack is learning to tell time at school so the Easter Bunny brought him a real watch. Will was thrilled with his Diego digital watch! All day long, Brent and I got minute-by-minute time updates. Jack: It is twelve thirty six! Will: It is twelve three six!
{For some reason, Will is fascinated with time and clocks. The boys went to a birthday party a couple of weeks ago and had their faces painted. Will requested his face to be painted with a clock. The guy looked a little puzzled (whuuut?? you don't get this request often?!?!) and Brent told him that Will is fascinated with time. So the face painter asked Will what time he wanted to be! 4:30 for those who are curious! Brent is now calling Will "
Flav" from Public Enemy!}
The good news is that we made it to Mass on time and actually got a seat....the bad news is that we were about 5 minutes too late and had to sit on the front row, and the nursery was closed so Will was with us! The good news is that both boys behaved beautifully! I think sitting on the front row actually worked in our favor because they were able to see what was going on and enjoyed all the incense and the trumpet player. The highlight for me was singing Jesus Christ is Risen Today with the trumpet! I LOVE that song, gives me chills every time! During the service, Monsignor was speaking about keeping your perspective on eternal life and not on earthly things, at which point Will blurts out "JESUS!" Preach on, little man! Amen!
Here are our attempts at the family Easter picture. Unfortunately, we didn't get one picture that was good of everybody. I am posting the top 3 so that my mom can select her favorite for the scrapbook. I am nothing if not thoughtful! Ha ha!!

This afternoon Brent and I washed the cars (my car was in jeopardy of being condemned by the health dept--no joke!) and I got in a run. The boys had a blast playing outside all afternoon and were the muddiest little things!
We had the best Easter dinner: Herb & Garlic Lamb Loin Chops, Dill & Parsley New Potatoes, and Prosciutto-wrapped Asparagus. The Loin Chops were out of this world good! Brent marinated them overnight and then grilled them this afternoon. I'll post the recipe soon.
~~~ Jesus Christ is Risen today! Alleluia! ~~~