I noticed yesterday that he was blinking his eye alot and rubbing & messing with it. This morning when he woke up it was a bit crusty, swollen and pinkish. All the tell-tale signs. And of course, pinkeye decides to make its appearance on a school day! I had a full morning of errands to run, too. We dropped Jack off at school along with flowers for both of the boys' teachers (it is Teacher Appreciation week at school). Will is a notoriously bad errand buddy, so I decided to see how much we could get done together before he totally revolted. And actually, he was a great little shopping buddy...we were able to get through all of my errands, so it wasn't a wasted morning!
This afternoon we went in for Will's doctor's appointment. Yep...pinkeye, eye drops 3x day. Knowing that Will is not the best patient (he completely falls apart when anyone at the dr's office even touches him), I envisioned the administering of the eye drops as a two person job...one person to actually sit on the child while the other puts in the drops. I just completed the first dose, and Will thought the whole thing was pretty funny! Hopefully, the second dose goes just as smoothly. Will has just been full of all kinds of surprises today!
After 24 hrs on the meds, Will should be able to return to being an active member of society, meaning he can go back to school on Thursday, which is important because they have class pictures and their Easter Egg Hunt. And I would hate for him to be missing from the class pic or to miss out on all the egg hunt fun.
Speaking of hunting eggs, I found the cutest Easter egg hunting basket for Will today. We have the Pottery Barn Kids' white wicker baskets with the monogrammed blue gingham liners (oh, you have one too?!?) that the Easter Bunny leaves surprises in, but this is not a good egg hunting basket. I learned the hard way. When Jack was 2, I had him out hunting eggs with this Pottery Barn basket that was as big as he was...poor little thing had to drag that huge, heavy basket around, seriously limiting the amount of loot he could snag. Brought back memories of me hauling my oversized, overpacked luggage through the airport before the wonderful invention of wheeled luggage.
It was then that I learned that you have a nice basket for the Easter Bunny to leave treats in and for a pretty pic on Easter morning. And then you have a fun, light weight basket to take to the egg hunt(s). This is Will's first year to hunt eggs...he wasn't walking last Easter and my rule is: you can't hunt Easter eggs if you can't walk. I am mean that way! So, I was on the lookout for a basket. And while we were in Kroger this morning, I saw this cute firetruck basket.

Perfect! Because we all remember how much Will loves "FIRETRUCK! FIRETRUCK! TRUCK, MOMMY! TRUCK!", don't we? And when you press on the top of the siren, it makes the appropriate firetruck noises while the fire chief shouts some sorta fire-themed Easter message. Awesome! Hopefully, his love of trucks will continue and this basket can last us the next 2 or 3 years.
Say a prayer that the pinkeye doesn't spread to big brother. However if it does, the pediatrician said that although they don't recommend sharing medications between family members, there are enough drops in the bottle for 3 people. And I appreciate that, because she saved me another $20 copay!
P.S. Well, too late! I no sooner hit "publish post" when Jack said "My eye feels itchy!" Yep...2 for 2! So I gave him some drops, while he cried like the drama king that he is, and we all headed straight to the sink to wash our hands. Any bets on when I come down with pinkeye?!?!