The extra large buffet table was filled with a breakfast especially designed for children....doughnuts, sweet rolls, decorated cookies, fruit, Chick-fil-A chick-n-minis, candy, hot chocolate, orange juice, apple juice, and coffee(!). Will was in heaven! And it was soooo good, if I do say so myself. The buffet table was beautifully decorated (I didn't get a pic because I was trying to make sure Will's little hands didn't touch all of the food!) and Will was captivated by the large choo-choo train that was circling all the way around.
There was a stage set up for singing Christmas carols with a very patient man and his guitar. I say patient, because he allowed Will to sing "Jingle Bells" to the captive audience about 6 different times while we were there. He tried to persuade Will to try another carol, like perhaps "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", but oh no!, only Jingle Bells would do! Jack got to sing "Santa Claus is coming to Town" to welcome Santa to the Christmas party, and he could not have been more thrilled with the honor.

We then moved on to face/hand painting. These designs were beautiful, not your usually freestyle painting. The elves used stamps to put the design on the hand or face and then went back and colored it in with paint and glitter paint. Really nice!

Next up was cupcake decorating, because we felt we just didn't get enough sugar with breakfast!
Then it was onto balloon animals. By this time the line was a little long, but we held out for a candy cane and a tiger.

And one last turn at the mic...singing "Jingle Bells" of course!
And finally on our way out the door, we stopped to say Hi to Santa and remind him that Jack wanted a fox Webkinz and Will wanted a Diego.

As always, the firm put on a first class party and we are looking forward to next year (if we are invited back!).